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The Pursuit of Purple Squirrels: Recruiting Passive Talent More Effectively

Finding that elusive "purple squirrel" candidate—the one who checks every box—is no easy feat. These top performers are typically happily employed and not browsing job boards. To capture their attention, you need a different approach. A successful strategy involves leveraging employer branding, talent marketing, hiring analytics, and cutting-edge talent intelligence. In this blog post, we examine passive recruitment best practices.

Recruiting Passive Talent More Effectively

Let's face it, finding that purple squirrel candidate is no easy feat. You scan countless profiles, send out InMails, maybe even try old-school Boolean searches - but the really good candidates? Those "purple squirrel" performers who check every box? They're happily employed and not trawling job boards. Capturing their attention requires a different approach.

So how do you get on these passive candidates' radars before they start that low-key job hunt? A multi-channel strategy leveraging employer branding, talent marketing, hiring analytics, and cutting-edge talent intelligence is key.

Build that Brand Appreciation

First up, you need to give passive candidates a reason to consider your company. A strong, well-promoted employer brand that spotlights an attractive company culture, values and employee value prop can go a long way. Whether it's employee testimonials, thought leadership content or just proudly sharing big wins, get that good employer brand buzz going on social and other channels passive candidates utilize.

Keep Your Eye (and Marketing) on the Target

When targeting passive candidates, personalized and relevant marketing is key. Develop campaigns that highlight what sets your company apart and why it’s a great place to work, focusing on benefits and opportunities that resonate with currently employed professionals. Use social media and professional networks to share compelling stories and success cases that can attract their attention. Tailored email outreach and interactive content can spark interest, making passive candidates curious about your company. Maintain an engaging careers page and regularly update your talent network with insightful newsletters to keep your company top-of-mind.

Analytics are a Gold Mine

Effectively recruiting passive candidates requires a strategic approach informed by analytics. By utilizing data-driven analytics, you can figure out which sourcing strategies work best and what motivates your ideal candidates. Keep an eye on engagement metrics like email open rates and clicks on job postings to improve your outreach. See which content and job roles catch their interest the most. This way, you can focus on the best talent pools and tailor your communication to meet the unique needs and interests of passive candidates.

Artificial Intelligence – Your New Superpower

Of course, at the bleeding edge of passive talent sourcing artificial intelligence. Using advanced AI, machine learning and data modeling, these platforms can actually estimate when individuals are most primed to seek new career opportunities based on multiple signals - career stage, workplace sentiment, commute patterns, you name it. By tapping into this soothsaying, you can engage budding candidates before they start looking.

At the end of the day, catching the eye of those elusive purple squirrels requires some serious sourcing sorcery. But with a potent mix of employer branding, targeted marketing campaigns, data-driven insights and AI-powered tools, you'll be well-equipped to make your contingent recruitment program future-ready.